
In the windless night she spoke and told me tales of home

Now I have gone with her to lie 

in the land beneath the stone

Do not be sad when you awake

And find you are alone

In the windless night she spoke and told me tales of home

Here no one is lonesome- even when alone

Your voices keep us company

In the land beneath the stone

The river whispers memories 

of days of joy and woe

In the windless night she spoke and told me tales of home

I walk somedays along the bank of that river fresh and cold

And wait for you to join me

In the land beneath the stone

So do not fear when the sky grows dark

And the seas begin to grow

For I’ll be there to greet you

In the land beneath the stone


Clank! Rang the steel, of two brothers

Fighting between each other

With only the company of a snow peaked mountain

The cold sunrise of dawn

The brothers dueled on the mountain

Over separate ideals

Crash! Dante swung true

Viciously, but also with remorse 

Not wishing to fight Vergil

But knew he must

Slice! Vergil swung with calculation

Relentlessly, with a mixture of calmness and anger

The sibling rivalry continues

Not knowing when it shall end.


Towards the middle of senior year now

A new group of friends together

Hanging out for the first time 

Started some of the best friendships in her life

Her first real friends ever

The beginning of something new

The feeling of something never felt before, something new

She is finally hanging out with friends now

Never felt this comfortable around anyone ever

She loves the feeling she gets when they’re all together

There is only one other person that makes her feel like this in her life

These friends came into her life at the perfect time

They hung out every weekend after work around the same time

 She didn’t do this much before, this was new

Always having alone time, this was something that made her happy in her life

She doesn’t have all this time to let her mind consume her now

She enjoys not being alone all the time, finally being with others, together

She feels more completed as a person now than ever

Loving her life more than ever

Surrounded by people all the time

She loves being with others in general, always together

These friendships, starting a chapter that is new

Finally showing her true personality to these people now

Something she’s been hiding for years, something that is her whole life

Every weekend they do something different, something new to look forward to in her life

She loves her friends who are down for anything ever

The kind of friends she’s been wanting for years and she has them now

Having tons of fun when they hang out every time

She loves being with the same people, but always doing something new

No matter what, they will always be together

The thought of always being together

The things she's most grateful for in life

Her friends falling in that category, this is new

She has only had a mixture of family and music in there ever

She loves to have something new at this point in time

Finally ready to be herself now

She loves her life now

All the time alone gave her, and her mind, freedom, now it’s time

It is time to be herself now, always and ever. 



Dear, my sweet Sally 

Today, we played until we could no more

Our legs ached from the pain

But we could care less

Because in those moments it felt like we were invincible 

You are my companion 

Forever by each other's side until our light breaks

Dear, my sweet Sally 

Today, I raced you down the lane

Our legs crushed the ground

As we fought for first

At this moment I realized 

That even in a lonely world I still have you

Dear, my sweet Sally 

Today, we found out that your hearing has decayed

But don't worry

I’ll still sit with you and whisper sweet things

While I pet your soft yellow fur 

As your eyes drift into slumber

And a sense of comfort wraps around our fragile bodies

Dear, Sally

Today, Dad told me the truth

Your line between life and death is becoming blurred

I sit with you one last time to whisper those words that were far from your touch

I wished you could have heard my voice at least once that night

As I pet you carefully with tears breaking through

Why do you have to leave me I still need you

Dear, Sally

I’m Sorry

I broke our promise 

I couldn’t be by your side before you die

I didn’t want to watch the last light in your eyes go out

So instead I watched as they drove off with you until you were out of my sight

And I waited 

I hated that I hope that maybe just maybe you will come back

But once the car showed once more realization hit

We will never play again

No more racing down the lane

And no more sitting and talking

You’re gone 

And I wasn’t there for you 

Like you were for me


Strangers once lovers 

Finding distractions from hurt

Love that turned into habit

Broke habit by broken boy 

Memories fading away 

Orange leaved covered tree 

Time flew by viewing beauty 

Curvy road with leaves 

Crunch as you drive along road

Sun peaking through the bare trees 

Peaceful and alone

Back leaning against the bark

Pen scribbling ink 

Viewing nature in the woods

Lost in the drawing mindset 

EPISTLE: A Stranger Saved Me


Do you remember?

I do. 

I had hoped that one day I would step into an art gallery,

And lock eyes with a beautiful stranger. 


I walked into an art gallery, 

And we locked eyes. 

You went one way,

While I went the other. 


I sought out a painting with a ship to steer.
One of the cool pirate ones

With large sails, 

And unimaginable arcs with masts 

Taller than the eiffel tower. 

I stood at the top, 

Contemplating the fall. 


I didn’t jump. 

Instead, I climbed down the mast

To fight off the plague below. 

I then thrived as I fought with the mastered three sword style. 

Funny way to fight off a plague, is it not?

But I was the one that arrived victorious n’ on top. 


Time to trudge through the bodies that

Fell victim to the murderer. 

I have to save my family. 

I’m sneaking into the captain’s quarters. 

Please don’t wake up. 


Yeah, okay. 

A part of me wished that the captain would’ve awaken. 

She (I mean I) wish she didn’t make it out alive. 

I now have the remedy though. 


I’m climbing the mast as the ship’s musician plays

A hollow song on a violin so widowed and beautiful. 


The waves grow taller. 

Jumping wouldn’t be so bad. 

A lost life and a lost remedy. 


So much for saving family, huh? 


Now do you remember? 

A hand on my shoulder. 

You raised the waves like the god of the sea, 

And crashed them over deck. 

You pulled me from the mast. 

No more beautiful crying hollow,



I’m breaking down

On a marble floor,

In front of the too relatable painting, circa 1700—1705, 

Ships in a Stormy Sea off a Coast by the too under rated, Ludolf Bakhuizen. 

The painting had so much potential for a better name. 


And the beautiful stranger, 

you, who went the other way,

Picked me up off the floor. 


You are the stranger who saved me. 

What a beautiful piece to add to an already beautiful painting, 


To the beautiful broken stranger who saved me, 

Who cried with me,

Who broke down in front of the painting with me, 

Please get me out of this painting.


Freshman year went by fast

Nothing to exciting

Covid hit hard

Everything was shut down

Everyone had to wear masks

Couldn’t see anyones face

F. All the hard things we had to face

My school year went by fast

I hated wearing masks

Being at home wasn’t exciting

Everyone was about to have a break down

Life was hard

Learning was hard

We couldn’t be face to face

My grades went down

I tried to get everything done fast

It was getting exciting

Getting to go out but with masks

I can’t breath with masks

It was hard

We went back to school which was exciting

I still couldn’t see anyones face

We moved and I adjusted fast

My confidence went down

I laid down

I dreamed to have no masks

I woke up fast

Junior year was hard

I start to remember everyones face

We stopped wearing mask and that was exciting

I was so excited

Six months down

4 months til people forget my face

A full year with no masks

Moving is gonna be hard

4 years went by fast

Just that fast

It was that hard

One minute masks and the other minute no masks